PlayStation 4 will have “only” 4.5 GB of RAM for games


According to the data available from Sony's technical documents, as well as expert analysis, Sony PS4 console will not allow developers to access all of 8 GB of RAM console has. Specifically, developers will have at their disposal only 4.5 GB, which can additionally be increased to a maximum of 5.5 GB, in “certain cases” and in special configurations.

According to this, it is obvious that neither Microsoft nor Sony have allowed whole amount of 8 GB to be used for the games, because their operating systems consume huge amounts of memory. There have already been statements that the Xbox One OS takes around 3 GB of DDR3 memory for its operation, and the new information indicates that a similar case is with the PlayStation 4 GDDR 5 memory and therefore Sony's OS leaves “only” 4.5 up to 5.5 GB of RAM for the games.

Frankly, we are not too clear why operating systems swallow that much RAM, but it is obvious that the new generation of games will not be as spectacular improvements comparing to the current ones as we thought, mostly due to software engineers from Sony and Microsoft, which apparently were not able to optimize the operation of the console with maximum savings of memory.

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