Ivy Bridge Benchmarks Leaked

intel_ivy_bridge_performance_1You knew this would happen (as it does almost every time a new CPU is ready to hit the market). In the hype leading up to the release we always start to see “leaked” slides that contain pricing, technical details and even launch dates. It is the same story over and over again and it is one that is, in some cases, perpetrated by the manufactures themselves or a partner bent on getting some good pre-launch press.

This time it is all about Ivy Bridge, Intel’s next generation CPU. The slides that were leaked are allegedly ones that were released to partners (like OEMs and Motherboard manufacturers). The newly leaked slides show that Intel anticipates some decent performance gains over the current Sandy Bridge CPUs.
There are gains across the board with the most notable being in 25% faster in Excel, 56% faster in transcoding (when using ArcSoft Media Expresso), and a simply ludicrous 199% faster in 3DMark Vantage GPU testing.  Ivy Bridge will have more than just better GPU performance though. We have already told you that it will feature PCIe 3.0 support (16 lanes) as well as DX11 support.
The numbers are impressive but it is important to remember that this is the top end Ivy Bridge (Core i7 3770) against the top end Sandy Bridge (Core i7 2600k). We do not have a clear idea on how the performance scales down toward the consumer level CPUs. It is entirely possible that at the lower levels (Core i3 for example) AMD’s Llano APUs could still have a slight advantage in graphics performance. We will have to wait until March/April 2012 to know for certain.

Of course, if AMD is to be believed they are not interested in the performance comparison anymore…
Source XBitLabs

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