More Evidence of AMD's Move to Mobile Devices Pops Up

BrazosOk... remember how we told you that we had a suspicion that AMD might be working on an x86 based SoC.  We have already seen several signs pointing to a major push on something new and we know that AMD is VERY excited about their Brazos and Llano products. If you add this on top of AMD CEO Rory Read’s fondness for small, low-powered mobile devices you can begin to see a picture emerging. The picture is still fuzzy, but we are finding more signs that could back up our case for AMD’s x86 SoC.

One of the missing pieces comes from the Android-x86 community who has just released an x86 port for Ice Cream Sandwich. Now this is not that big of a deal until you take a look at what platform it has written it for. The Android-x86 is recommending that you use their port with AMD’s Brazos platform.

Your first thought might be that the Android-x86 community might just be a group with a fondness for AMD. While this might be true the group has also stated that they receive direct support from AMD in the form of devices and engineering support.
It is looking more and more like AMD will be attempting to extend their market into the same territory that Read tried to push at Lenovo; the slate PC and the full tablet market. At this time we do not think that AMD will try to jump into the ARM arena, but if we hear about a strategic partnership with Samsung or the reopening of their joint R&D facility then all of this may change. For now we are fairly confident that AMD’s “new” direction is a move to the smaller low-powered x86 market with the potential of combining some of their existing products into a single piece of silicon for future tablet devices.

Stay tuned as we work to confirm just what AMD is up to next.
Source The Inquirer and
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