Kaspersky Leaves the BSA over SOPA

censorship-InternetWith SOPA still a hot topic we are hearing about more fallout as lines are being drawn even between one time partners. We have heard that several members of the Business Software Alliance have asked the organization to pull all support from the dangerous and potentially damaging bill. The BSA has complied (for the most part) but has still left enough of an opening that not everyone is satisfied with the way things stand.

Kaspersky is one of the members that is not in agreement with the bill and has decided to break away from the organization publicly. They have stated that they will separate from the organization on January 1st 2012. This move could be the opening act in a much broader play as companies really begin to realize the damage that this bill can cause.

Kaspersky is not the first company to publicly state they are in opposition to this bill. Google, Yahoo, and others signed a letter that was read to the congressional hearing on SOPA in an attempt to try and stop the bill. Unfortunately the supporters of this bill managed to ensure that only one company that was in opposition was present at the hearing. This is why the letter was drafted and signed by multiple companies.

Now that we are beginning to see corporations leaving organizations that support the bill (even ones that say the bill needs work) things are certainly turning around. In fact we have heard that Yahoo has left the Chamber of Commerce (who fully supports the bill) and now both Google and the Consumer Electronics Association (the people that put on CES every year) are planning on doing the same thing.

For more information on SOPA and its potential for damaging the internet you can read our articles at the links below;

SOPA is a threat to freedom of information and speech
BSA Withdraws Support for SOPA

American Sensorship Day
SOPA Could By-Pass Net Neutrality Laws

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