Kim Dotcom Promises A New Megaupload Will Arise , Stonger, Safer and More Secure...


The art of warfare has evolved over the centuries as each side (attacking and defending) has learned lessons from each battle. When towns were encircled by walls attackers developed methods for bringing them down or simply starving them out. From these tools and techniques the defenders learned to ensure that they could be self-sustaining by maintaining a water and food supply; you get the picture. The same thing has happened with just about any situation where there are two sides to the fight and it certainly is happening in the fight between Megaupload and the US Copyright Lobby. After losing their fight to put exceptionally draconian laws in place such as SOPA and PIPA the copyright industry used their influence to take out possibly the largest file sharing service on the Internet; Megaupload. There was no real evidence to support their attack on a site they (the MPAA and RIAA) once praised, instead it was a clear cut campaign to bankrupt the company and to seriously injure anyone involved with them (including the host and users of Megaupload servers).

We have covered the details of the siege of Kim Dotcom and Megaupload in detail before (you can read about it here) so we will not go into detail about that here except to note that like the defenders in the Bronze age sieges Megaupload and founder Kim Dotcom have learned from past mistakes and will move to a more secure service. Although details are scarce we know that Dotcom is moving his servers outside the reach of the copyright industry (a very difficult task these days) and he will be incorporating multiple geographically distributed servers for redundancy and also encryption for the connections to the servers. If he is smart he will also make the user responsible for generating the encryption key. This means that no matter what Megaupload cannot give that over to the authorities as they do not own it. The move would make each user’s files their own and protected by individual encryption as well as the laws that govern that. As a by-product of this it also absolves Megaupload from any responsibility for the information stored on their servers. If Megaupload has no access, they cannot be held responsible. They are likely to offer a takedown system like they had before; one that makes the MPAA, RIAA and other copyright owners responsible for monitoring and taking down offending links, but that will remain to be seen (it would be a very smart move though).

While all of this is going on the US Congress is looking into the motives and actions of the Department of Homeland Security and their habit of seizing domains without real evidence or due process (just like Megaupload). This move is most likely only posturing in the face of an election year, but it can have a real impact if the voting population can press the issue. There is little doubt that the relationship between the MPAA, RIAA and the US Law Enforcement is shady at best. The problem is that the same people that are responsible for keeping this in check are also part of the revolving door between the two groups. It is rather sad that a pair of cartels is being allowed to stifle innovation and the move to better services for consumers.

Kim Dotcom has promised that Megaupload and Megabox will rise from the figurative ashes of the old Megaupload. We have a feeling that it will indeed much to the annoyance and shame of the US Copyright lobby. Remember that there is a lot you can learn from being the victim of an attack as long as you do not let the original attack prevent you from fighting back and you learn from the event. We know that Dotcom has learns a valuable lesson, but has the MPAA, RIAA and US DoJ? Will they ever?

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