Layoffs at Valve


Lately there have been some rumors going around saying that Valve plans to fire some of their employees, and now Gamasutra brought news that on Monday they fired 25 workers. After contacting the recently laid-off, one gets the impression that this relegation had nothing to do with the individual's work, but global challenges Valve is faced with.

To calm the rumors, Gabe Newell also decided to tell the company’s part of the story. He said that he is reluctant to talk about domestic policy, but convince us that have not canceled any projects, nor have they changed priorities despite these layoffs.
He points out that the layoffs have nothing to do with either Steam or Linux, or hardware, nor any of the game where they work, and they do not want to discuss why a particular employee is working or not working in Valve. The latest news says that Valve’s director of business Jason Holtman also left the company.  

[Ed – Changes happen at every company and although we are not happy to hear that anyone has lost a job it is not surprising that Valve is changing direction. The writing was on the wall when Gabe Newell spoke out about Windows 8 along with others in the game development market. Many of these companies are not interested in competing directly with Microsoft on their own platform (Xbox Live is being extended to the PC) especially with the sandboxing that Microsoft is working on even with the x86 version of Windows 8. This is why we saw an accelerated push to get Steam for Linux out. It is possible that these layoffs are part of the reorganization to shift to Linux and other platforms.]

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