Optimus G Pro to compete with Note 2


Last month, LG unveiled the Optimus Pro G for the Japanese market. It is a smartphone with a five inch diagonal which screen comes with a resolution of 1,920x1,080 pixels. It was promising device, but now they decided to improve it a bit.

LG has now launched the redesigned form of the Optimus Pro G for the parent Korean market too. In relation to the release in Japan, the new smartphone has an even bigger screen whose diagonal is now a gigantic 5.5 inches. The only thing that stands out regarding the characteristics of the device is the curved front screen glass. Other specifications should be the same as the already available models - 1.7 GHz Snapdragon S4 Pro, 2 GB of RAM, 32 GB of flash memory, a 13 megapixel camera and a battery of 3,000mAh.

It remains unknown if LG will offer this device internationally too. Judging by the success of Samsung's Galaxy Note and Note 2, there is certainly much space for this category of devices on the market.

[Ed – The LG Optimus has the right specifications to pull people away from the Note II, but there are some features that Samsung has that LG has not been able to replicate just yet. This means that while some might be interested in the high resolution others will stick with Samsung for the extra features. This is if LG ever decides to let it compete…]

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