Less news expected from Apple in the next few months


Gene Munster, an analyst from the Piper Jaffray, believes that Apple will simply redesign their larger iPad to make it look more like the iPad Mini. He says that Apple has, on average, a four month gap between big events, and usually they roll out new versions of tablets during the spring. Given that the iPad Mini was launched in October last year, it is expected that in the next few months they will introduce a redesigned larger iPad. But, Munster said he does not believe that Apple will introduce a smaller iPad with a Retina display with the current problems in supplying the market with sufficient equipment.

Another upgrade that Munster announced is related to Apple TV, which we expect to get new software and access to the App Store. Apple TV, according to Munster, should be upgraded within the next six months if the company plans to introduce its own TV sets before the end of this year, which in his view is very unlikely.
Generally, he does not expect any significant Apple products especially during the spring, but then in the second half of the year, they should present some very important products, including cheaper iPhones and TVs.

[Ed – What is very interesting here is that Piper Jaffray is the same company that was predicting Apple stocks would hit $1,000 per share by mid-2013. They have changed their tune and appear to be playing a much more conservative game now. Over the last few months there have been some trend emerging from Apple that should be very concerning to investors and consumers alike. The first is something that we call right after the death of Steve Jobs and it is simply that Tim Cook does not have the right vision to lead a company like Apple. He is a very good business man, but lacks the strength of personality and vision that Jobs had. Apple is facing a crisis of identity moving forward. Their products are no longer being viewed as revolutionary by the market and this will hurt them in terms of sales and consumer perception. Unless they can launch something that is truly new and unique they will continue to lose sales to newer devices that offer more features, better performance and do not require you to be tethered to iTunes for everything. It is a lesson that Microsoft will learn soon as well with Surface RT…]

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