Tribes: Ascend GOTY edition


Hi-Rez Studios is brining news about their free-to-play title Tribes: Ascend. As of today you can find on sale at the official Tribes web site and on Steam Tribes: Ascend Game of the Year Edition. It is a pretty big release with which customers automatically unlock over 100 weapons, all nine classes and twenty skills, and it includes all the earlier published additional facilities.

As the developers say, for players that are still playing the free-to-play version, nothing changes, but they decided to offer the ability to access all weapons to those who are willing to pay for their favorite pastime. This is a very popular method for making big money from free-to-play titles. Other games usually offer certain cosmetic upgrades for money, so maybe we can expect that too in the near future here.

Tribes: Ascend Game of the Year Edition is being sold at a price of $29.99 for new players and $19.99 for members of the Tribes VIP Club. All additional information you can find on the official website of the developers.

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