Microsoft likes high end Lumias

The first part of the specification of new Lumia's which will be presented under the Microsoft name was published on site NokiaPowerUser. Citing "reliable sources", they claim that Microsoft will continue Nokia's tradition in recent times at which their smartphones specifications can be measured with high-end devices from other manufacturers.

Traditionally, Windows Phone devices on the paper were weaker than the competition on Android, despite the optimization of Microsoft OS that works satisfactorily even on weaker hardware. The first Lumia after the Microsoft acquisition of Nokia's mobile department should appear during the second quarter. The device will be based on the Snapdragon processor 805, will display 2K resolution, and have the "next generation" camera with a resolution between 20 and 25 megapixels.

Also, quad processors will find a place in lower and middle price range Lumia'a, sources say. Hopefully this will force all other manufacturers to start putting even better pieces of hardware in their device's, so buyers can get even better phones for the same money.

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