Microsoft says no to adult-rated games


Microsoft revealed in their content legislation that they will not allow any apps that are intended for older audiences. “Apps with a rating over PEGI 16, ESRB MATURE, or that contain content that would warrant such a rating, are not allowed. Metadata and other content you submit to accompany your app may contain only content that would merit a rating of PEGI 12, ESRB EVERYONE, or Windows Store 12+, or lower.”, that's what stands under section 6.2 in Windows 8 app certification requirements. This also includes video-games.

It's not that big of a problem for the US video-game market as there are very few games marked as adult content, but for other markets it's pretty bad. Some of the games that have PEGI 18 rating in Europe are TES V: Skyrim, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Sleeping Dogs, Dishonored, Mass Effect 3, LA noire, Deus Ex, Fallout: New Vegas, Assassin’s Creed: Revelations not to mention plenty of others. Although It looks like a pretty stupid move from Microsoft, this simply means that you will have to buy the games somewhere else, which is not really a problem.
In Australia R18+ is going to be established at the beginning of the next year, so it will be interesting to see how this will work out for Australian Windows 8 users. Just to make it clear, this doesn’t mean that you can’t play these games on the new Windows, but you simply can’t buy them from Microsoft's integrated store. It looks like everything Gabe Newell said is turning out to be true and Windows 8 could turn into huge catastrophe, especially for gaming industry.

[Ed – we have been saying that Microsoft is trying to control too much and attempting to be Apple. This move will hurt them as for many the reason to buy Microsoft software is because they are not Apple. We are not sure what Steve Balmer is thinking, but he surely does not have a good grasp on the market and what they are really looking for, especially gamers (which actually make up a big portion of the market)]

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