iPad Mini and 13-inch Retina MacBook Pro delayed

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It looks like there was more going on at the Foxconn manufacturing company in the last few days than was previously stated. Even though Foxconn stated that “There has been no workplace stoppage in that facility or any other Foxconn facility and production has continued on schedule”, things are starting to pile up rather quickly. As Apple continues to bring more and more new products, it looks like some of them will have to wait a bit due to slow production process. Their iPad Mini and 13-inch MacBook Pro are said to be delayed and it looks like it's because of the issues at Foxconn

Apparently both Foxconn and Pegatron are having problems with manufacturing the display and chassis of the iPad Mini, making it impossible to match Apple’s large order targets. It's nothing new that Foxconn is having issues with production of Apple's products, but this is the first time they will have to be delayed. There are also problems with the Retina display as they just can’t manage to make enough of them, so we are seeing a month long delay so far for the 13-inch MacBook Pro.
ipad meme

Samsung also promised their 13-inch notebook will come out really soon and they said it will be something revolutionary. Although this delay might seem to put the market in Samsung’s favor most people that would buy a Mac Book Pro would not be interested in a Windows 8 product from Samsung. The iPhone 5 is also experiencing slower production mode; mostly due to additional inspections and regulations after the users complained about scratches and scuffs on out of the box devices. This is certainly not a good thing for Apple, but it's impressive that they have so many orders that they are not able to cope with them. Hopefully for them and their customers they will fix this delay soon and start to release their products on planned dates.

[Ed – Apple is great at spinning news like this so we fully expect them to sit back and claim the shortages are due to demand and not production or manufacturing problems. In the end this will have a minor impact in Apple sales for the iPhone 5 as some might chose to switch to Samsung’s SIII, however the delays in the Mac Book Pro are unlikely to bolster Samsung’s new Windows 8 systems at all…]

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