Mozilla's financial report shows their dependency on Google

Mozilla has released the financial report for the last year. The data is somewhat worrying because as much as 90% of this organization's profit comes from a single source.

That source is the search giant, Google, which pays to be a default search engine in Firefox, and a certain amount for each search it is used for. Mozilla is traditionally financially dependent on Google, but the data show that the share is increasing from year to year. During 2011, Google's payment of income accounted for 85% of the total amount. Of course, Google is not the only one interested in the place of the default search engine in Firefox, Microsoft is also willing to pay a high amount of money to replace Google as default search engine.

Total revenue of the Mozilla Foundation during the 2012 compared to the previous year increased by 162 million to $311 million. The good news is that Mozilla's expenses are growing slower; they marked 43% increase from a year earlier.

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