Problems with Xbox One's optical drive

PlayStation 4 had so called Blue Light of Death, and it seems that even the launch of Xbox One can't go without much problems that are "affectionately" called Disc Drive of Death. Specifically, a small number of Xbox one owners got the console with a defective optical drive.

The problem manifests itself through strange "clicking“ sounds when the drive is inserted into the disc which, of course, can not be read. From Microsoft have released a publication in which they say that with the problem a very small number of customers was affected and that everyone with the issuse should contact them in order to replace the device for a new one.

Earlier it was officially announced that the Xbox One by launching in 13 countries in less than 24 hours sold a million copies of the device.

[Ed - this type of problem has been found on many slot loading drives and can often be attributed to damage done in shipping. However it looks like both the Xbox One and the Sony PS4 console PCs are both having their issues right after launch. It will be interesting to see who comes out looking better...]

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