Nadella or Mulally to become Microsoft's next CEO

According to the findings of Bloomberg, the committee which is selecting a new Microsoft's CEO is close to a final decision. The choice is narrowed and as the most likely candidates are mentioned Alan Mulally and Satya Nadella.

Mulally currently holds the position of chief executive at Ford, while Nadella is at Microsoft's department for solutions in the cloud and business users. On the other hand, other candidates have fallen into the background, some of them are Stephen Elop, former CEO of Nokia and Tony Bates, former head of Skype. According to internal documents, the new CEO must have experience in managing complex global organizations in a highly competitive market sector, and must have proven experience of running a large company with many employees.

There is no information on when a decision could be made, but sources mentioned that we can expect it at the end of the year.

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