New domain names have arrived

One of the world's largest commercial registers of domains, Donuts, has signed a contract with ICANN to activate even more than a hundred new top-level Internet domains. Thus, from this week, customers can register a generic domains .bike, .clothing, .guru, .holdings, .plumbing, .singles and .ventures.


Starting from the next week .camera, .equipment, .estate, .gallery, .graphics, .lighting and .photography will also become available. The company says that this is a unique case that in the short term appears this amount of new domains and increased choice for Internet users. This is an excellent opportunity for all organizations and individuals such as artists and entrepreneurs who want to rent a unique domain name from their areas of operation.

By the end of this year on almost a weekly basis hunders of new domains will become available, and since Donuts filed 300 new requests to ICANN, we can expect a very wide range of possible names for the future of the web address.

Anyone want a new domain name?


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