New iMacs delayed into 2013?


The shipping date for the ultrathin Apple iMac desktop computers could be much later than the Apple's initial plans. Apple's announcement regarding the iMac during a presentation in October, claimed the beginning of November as a start date for  the21.5-inch models shipping , while the 27-inch should be available in December.

According to unofficial information, the smaller iMac supplies were shifted to December, and the delay could also reach the 27-inch model although it is expected that both the iMacs will still be available by the end of this year. The problem apparently lies in the complex production, especially in the new way of connecting the aluminum computer case parts, which Apple advertised as necessary for achieving the small thickness of the device, they even removed the optical drive. [In other words there is no chance for repairing these new products...]

Delays in deliveries could affect the expected sales due to the fact that most companies shows much higher sales in December because of the holidays. These are not the first rumors about Apple products being delayed due to production process, Foxconn factories also had issues with the iPhone 5 as they stated that it is just to complex to manufacture in such a short period of time. On the official Apple page November and December are still there as the release dates for 21.5-inch and 27-inch models respectively.

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