Rumors claim that Sinosky was not a team player


Although Steven Sinofsky successfully led Microsoft's important projects, a few days ago he left under unusual circumstances. If you ask Microsoft, the decision was mutual and Microsoft claims that Sinosky was not expelled from the company. However, according to rumors current Microsoft President Steve Ballmer had enough and wanted to get rid of Sinosky.

The reason for this is the relationship between Sinosky and other high-ranking Microsoft employees. He simply had a problem getting along with Ballmer and other Microsoft project managers, apparently he even threatened to leave the company more than once because they made some strategic decisions that he disagreed with. In addition, there are claims that because of Synosky Ray Ozzie, Chief Software Architect and Bob Muglia, Division Manager of Server and Tools left Microsoft.  Microsoft however, wants to have a development manager for Windows to be a person who will work closely with the Development Managers of Windows Phone and Xbox, and Sinosky was just not the person for that.

Otherwise, Sinofsky was important to Microsoft because he was the one who brought the division back in order after the troubled launch of Windows Vista. However, obviously things have got worse over the years so that his stay no longer made sense. His departure was supported by Bill Gates.

[Ed – It is an unusual thing to see Microsoft already starting to spin the departure of Sinosky despite the fact that he helped to create may successful products. The claims that he was hard to work with could be true, but it is still not a normal thing to hear the type of negative things that we are about Sinosky right now. It could be that this is a bigger deal to Microsoft than they are willing to say especially right after the launch of a product that is not exactly flying off the shelves…]

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