Nexus 7 sales hit 1 million monthly

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Google’s tiny 7-inch tablet with Android has launched a new trend in this market. Although not completely a new idea, having Google’s official stamp on the 7-inch device and Apple’s inadvertent support of the form factor with the iPad mini have given the smaller tablets a boost. With a starting price of $199 it was a very interesting trade for customers, but so far no official sale numbers have been released. Now Asustek’s CFO has finally given a hint about the figures and they are pretty good for the Nexus 7. With decent competition coming from the 7-inch Kindle Fire HD ($199) and Apple's 7.9-inch iPad mini ($329); Google will not have an easy time in the market, but at least customers will have decent choices.

According to the Wall Street Journal, quoting a statement from Asus Chief Financial Officer, currently there are around one million copies of Nexus 7 shipped monthly. “At the beginning, it was, for instance, 500,000 units a month, then maybe 600, 700,000. This latest month, it was close to 1 million” devices, he said. This is significantly better than the analysts' predictions that are based on Google's financial results that estimated a total of one million Nexus 7 copies were shipped during the quarter.
According to estimates by analyst Strategy Analytics, during the last quarter there were 25 million shipped tablet devices across the world. Of this number, Apple has delivered 14 million iPads. As Google launched their Nexus 10, they are certainly looking to expand on the tablet market. The only problem is the apps, but these are expected to come as Google is taking steps to attract the developers to create them specifically for tablets instead of just porting ones from smartphones.

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