ZTE brings Nubia to the market


It is not known what led the Chinese ZTE to select Nubia for the name of their new series of high-end smartphones (some media reported that the word in Latin means "cloudy" and the ancient Egyptian "gold"), but that's exactly the name they will use for their smartphones. They announced their line of devices with this interesting name and are hoping that they will be a decent competitor to another Chinese manufacturer, Huawei.

So far, they have only announced the Z5 model of which very little known.  According to the information that is out the Z5 should have a 5 inch diagonal screen, quad-core processor and a 13 megapixel camera. Also, it should be adorned by Italian design. So far, only one image is shown where we could see the background of the smartphone. It is not known even what operating system it will feature, although it is speculated that it will be Android. In the Chinese market the device will appear in December this year and the rest of the world will be able to see it at CES in January 2013.
As much as all this was like "in a fog", ZTE is currently the fourth producer of smartphones and one that pushed Nokia from the top-5 scale. They it should be taken seriously. With these few details released they will surely attract more attention to their device, hopefully it will not fail to meet growing consumer expectations. It is also nice to see that we are getting more megapixels on cameras, as 8MP has become the standard on all high-end smartphones. What they meant by Italian design is not yet certain, but if it has something with their motorsport design I'm interested.

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