Nintendo Wii U manufacturer, Foxconn, in trouble


After Foxconn had troubles with some of their workers allegedly striking in the iPhone manufacturing factory; they have even bigger problems with the Wii U line. This time problems are not workers striking, having workers under the age of 16. This is against Chinese labor laws and of course against common sense. They said “Our investigation has shown that the interns in question, who ranged in age from 14 to 16, had worked in that campus for approximately three weeks.”

It looks like they have trouble keeping things in order, but according to Foxconn “This is not only a violation of China's labor law, it is also a violation of Foxconn policy and immediate steps have been taken to return the interns in question to their educational

institutions.” Nintendo also responded to this scandal “Nintendo is in communication with Foxconn and is investigating the matter. We take our responsibilities as a global company very seriously and are committed to an ethical policy on sourcing, manufacture, and labor”

Nintendo also said that “If we were to find that any of our production partners did not meet our guidelines, we would require them to modify their practices according to Nintendo’s policy“. It's never nice to hear that these sorts of things are happening and it's not the first time that big manufacturing companies have been accused for these unethical behavior. Hopefully the guilty ones will be punished for allowing this to happen and we won’t be hearing more bad news about exploiting children as a cheap workforce.

[Ed – There is a lot of finger pointing going on in China these days as competitors work to rat each other out to get ahead. While we would not like to think that Foxconn was aware of these underage interns we would also not be too shocked to find out that someone did know and keep them around. This discovery follows an accusation against Samsung for the same thing so we just wonder who will be the next company to be put in the spotlight…]

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