Nokia's Lumia 920 hot in China


It seems that the Nokia Lumia 920 is selling like crazy in China. Although it has been said that  the number of available devices based on Microsoft operating systems is relatively small, still orders for Windows Phones are not a normal occurance. That is until the Lumia 920.

Sales of the most advanced Nokia Windows Phone started last week in the Chinese market. The device was sold out in a very short time and demand is not slowing down. According to Chinese sources, a shipment of Nokia devices in Shanghai stores sold out in just half an hour. It seems that the most desired model was the yellow one. There are also reports that lines are being formed in front of stores waiting for new shippments to come in and that this was also happening at the start of sales last week [Almost like an Apple product launch – Ed]

According to the latest survey by Kantar, Windows Phone in China had a share of 2.7% during the last quarter. In the EU5 countries (UK, France, Germany, Spain and Italy) Windows Phone share is 4.7%. Separately by country, Microsoft's OS has the largest share in Italy, where it is nearly 12%, and in the UK there are 5.1% while France has a 4.7% share of Window Phone devices.

[Ed- This is a good thing for Microsoft and Nokia although it is important to remember that the number of devices shipped to China is very small. This means that selling out the product is not as large of an event as it would sound, still we do not think this is a staged shortage like what we have seen from Apple in the past. We do know that the color options and high-quality camera are two big selling points for many people looking into getting a Nokia phone...]

Do you think this shows a growth trend for Windows Phone, or is it just an anomally? Tell us in our Forum

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