Outlook.com finalized


Outlook.com was launched in June last year, but what was available to users was a beta version of the service. Microsoft has announced that the period of beta testing for their e-mail service is now complete.

Also, Microsoft has announced that since the launch of Outlook.com they picked up 60 million active users. Of this number, half of the users are using SkyDrive, which is normally integrated into Outlook.com, for photo storage or work with Office documents. To attract even more users Microsoft has launched an aggressive campaign of TV ads that will be broadcast on television and radio, and they also plan to advertise online and on billboards.
All Hotmail users by summer will be automatically transferred to Outlook.com, but will be able to keep their old addresses, Microsoft said. If they will be able to threaten Gmail which has over 425 million accounts, or Yahoo with 293 million is yet to be seen, but they plan to do it with a “motivational” campaing as their Senior Director Dharmesh Mehta said “We are trying to push people who have gotten lazy and comfortable with an email service that may not be all that great and help show them what email can really do for them“.

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