Ouya investors facing shipping delay


Ouya, handheld console based on Android has it's name written in the history books as one of the most successful projects in the history of Kickstarter, with massive funding they managed to raise more than $8.5 million USD.

After a three-week moving the planned release date, Ouya these days began appearing in stores in America. That's good, but not good for part of the people who funded the project and still did not received their own copy, which of course should be in their hands before the device arrived at the stores.

The reason for the delay are alleged problems with one of the distribution partners, because of whicht over 7,500 out of 63,000 users who have participated in its funding on Kickstarter are still without their console. The remaining consoles were sent from the factory in Hong Kong, and should arrive within two weeks at the addresses worldwide. It is, however, small comfort for those who have financed the project just so they could use the device before others could walk into Best Buy and simply buy a copy.

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