Tabletop Gaming

Table Gaming

Anyone remember the Surface?  No, not the sleek little laptop/pad we see all over the news now, I’m talking about the big idea Microsoft had back in 2002, the huge “interactive table” that families were supposed to gather around so share photos and play games on.  If not, you’ve got the idea.  Partnered with Samsung, they produced the SUR40, a 40-inch multitouch display that would set the buyer back $7,500 or more.  Needless to say, we don’t see them in every home today.

The folks at Lenovo are having another go at the concept with the new IdeaCenter Horizon.  Running a 64-bit Windows 8 operating system and powered by an Intel i7 processor, the Horizon is essentially a 27-inch tablet with some unique features and accessories that will help it to serve the purpose of the original SUR40.  

When laid flat, the Horizon switches to Lenovo’s proprietary Aura interface, allowing two or more people to access content on the device simultaneously with its 10-point multitouch screen.  The Horizon ships with four joysticks and four game pieces, each with a conductive pad that interacts with the Horizon’s screen.  Best of all, it includes a die equipped with an accelerometer and wireless connectivity.  There are already touch versions of classic games like Monopoly underway, with massive studios like EA and Ubisoft working on games optimized for the hardware as well.

With the highest-end model presently retailing for $1899 the Horizon is, while still expensive, at least within the grasp of the consumer.

Do you think this will take off in the consumer market? Tell us in our Forum

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