South Korean giant LG has announced that they will bring next year first smart phone with a flexible screen to the market. It should be the first phone of its kind in the world that will be produced in larger batches. Apparently the basis of this mobile phone will be flexible and unbreakable LED screen, which will be possible to bend at every point of the screen.
Popularity of benchmark application was exploited by manufacturers of mobile devices that managed to present their device better than it really was with little tricks like short-period overclocking and similar. Thanks to these practices over time, benchmark tools have become quite unreliable. This was also due to fact that different results were achieved when testing the same device with different benchmark tools.
Read more: AnTuTu speaks out against cheating on benchmark...
Security, physical or data, is the type of job that never ends. There is no point that you can sit back and say “Ok, I am done”. Threats evolve existing protections are made obsolete by changing business requirements and, of course, the bad guys just keep getting smarter. This means that even if you protect from one attack, you have to bank on the knowledge that someone else will be behind that guy. In fact if you have followed the happenings of the collective Anonymous that is one of the things they say whenever any of their members are arrested.
Read more: Blackhole Malware ToolKit will live on even if...
On October 4th Adobe was forced to send out almost three million emails with the unfortunate news that their network had been attacked, breached and data stolen. The data from that theft included account IDs as well as encrypted passwords and credit/debit card information and even source code for Adobe products. The attack happened not all that long after Adobe pushed their users to a subscription based license for their products. Once a large number of people had joined the Creative Cloud service Adobe was an even more attractive target and due to their history or ignoring security the attackers were able to get in and grab what they wanted.
Logitech is preparing within their G product line a special device for owners of Apple smartphones. The company should soon introduce a game controller for the iPhone 5, 5S and 5C models, which should allow more comfortable game playing.
Read more: Logitech drops a gamepad for the iPhone on the...
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