Panasonic swimming in smartphone waters once again

Last year, Panasonic has announced that they will stop the produciton of smartphones due to the permanent losses it generated, but after only a few months  once again information about a possible return of Panasonic smartphones are circulating.

If the information proves to be true the first model of the new Panasonic phones could appear at the upcoming Mobile World Congress . The new device should have a screen size of five inches with yet unknown resolution and be resistant to water. Also instead of Android it should be powered by Windows Embedded 8 Handheld version operating system. Windows Embedded 8 Handheld is a platform which is based on Windows Phone 8 operating system, with which it shares the Metro UI and the ability to launch WP8 applications, but is intended to create a „working“ phone, which are used in industry.

Yet this does not mean that the Panasonic is back to making the phone for the mass market, but it continues to produce phones for specialized markets where ruggedness and durability are needed more than the the latest technologies.

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