Xbox One sold in more copies during December than PS4

Both Microsoft and Sony have announced details of their console sales in all markets in which they are possible to buy. Sony has sold a total of 4.2 million PlayStation 4 consoles, while Microsoft on a smaller market sold three million copies of Xbox One.

However, according to preliminary directly comparable data from NPD, Microsoft went on to win during December in the US. As it stands on the official blog, in a month they delivered a total of 908,000 copies of Xbox One, which was enough to secure it first place on the console sales list. Third place went to the Xbox 360 with 643,000 copies sold, which means that the PlayStation 4 was in second place, but the exact number of copies sold is not yet known.

According to the same data, One Xbox and Xbox 360 accounted for 46% of all consoles sold in the US during December, and Microsoft's share is 10% higher than the same period a year earlier. From Sony have commented with a statement that the total sales of PlayStation 4 console still exceed the ones of Xbox One.

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