Problems with GPS on the new Nexus 7


Quite a lot of users have posted their complains about various problems on the Google Mobile Help Forum with the use of satellite navigation built into the new Nexus 7 tablet, which was made by Asus for Google this time. Among the problems they referred the cases of complete inability to use GPS navigation, as well as the termination of GPS functionality after 2, 5, 10, or 30 minutes.

Google has acknowledged this problem and is working on patching up this bug, which is obviously a software issue, but at the moment they do not specify when could effective patch appear. Since the problems with GPS reflect on many other Android apps, this is a very serious error, which certainly creates many difficulties for users who use the new Nexus 7.

However, judging from the posts of users, none of them were too revolted by this bug, because Google reassured them with tactical recognition of errors, as many other manufacturers of applications and devices often do not want to admit until genuine rebellion is raised. Of course, the patience of users will depend on the speed of response from Google that will soon have to issue the effective patch.

[Ed - This all sounds so familliar... It seems like every new tablet lately has a WiFi or GPS bug that has to be resolved. You would think that Google (or their manufacturing partner) would do more testing to ensure that an issue like this would not be present at launch. Maybe Google needs to reconsider their partner here...]

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