Youtube coming to Google Glass


Google's smart glasses in the current phase are ideal for taking photos and video, but so far have not proved suitable for their viewing. When Google started shipping the first copies of the developer version of glasses to developers and users that had preordered it, they wanted to get as much feedback possible,based on which it would be easier to move in the right direction, which leads to release of the final version of Google Glass, which is expected during the 2014.

Therefore, Google conducted a survey over all customers who received the "Explorer" version of glasses in which they asked how they like certain features of this gadget. Among the questions asked is the one in which they ask how they like the YouTube application. The only problem is that such an application does not exist yet. It is therefore very likely that Google will soon make YouTube app, which will enable Glass users to watch movies, which is more important feature to many users than shooting.

Although this is not unexpected, it is obvious that it will be mandatory to modify traffic and other regulations as soon as possible regarding the use of Google Glass glasses, because the ability to watch movies on the glasses will post a great challenge for the safety of the users themselves, and all other persons that will be in the interaction with them.

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