Publishers will decide if we can exchange PS4 games or not


Although we have already reported that the Xbox will have a really hard time fighting against the new Sony console, one of the important factors for some of the user and was a statement that the PlayStation 4 will not forbid the exchange of used games. Of course those words brought joy to pirates ears, but also to many of us who considered game sharing good and reasonable practice.

There is not much point in banning the game played if you donate it to a family member, a friend or a random passer-by. Unfortunately, it seems that the whole story is highly questionable. Sony decided that they will not incorporate mechanisms to prevent the sharing of games, but the final decision remains to be made by the publishers. And if you think about it, and how some of them love to be greedy, this could become a problem.

Online Pass will continue to be the supported model for this sort of protection, and for playing games on the network it will be necessary to subscribe to PlayStation Plus. About DRM methods we still do not know much, but this will certainly affect the customers and all others who thought that PS4 really demolished Xbox One with everything they announced few days ago. Pity.

[Ed - this story has been making rounds since Sony's announcment, but it does not really hold up. With disk beased games on the PS4 console there are no restrictions to trading the games or reselling them. The publisher resitrctions only apply to games bought through the PSN and even then there is a limited amount to what the game publishers can do. Sony's comment is accurate and truthful, there is no check-in for ANY non-network games and no hardware or network based restrictions on game resale or trading put in palce in their console. Microsoft's Xbox One requires you to check in every 24 hours to continue to use the console and any games, even disc based games. For used games you can trade once with a firend (as long as they have been on your friend list for 30 days) or with an authorized reseller. These are Microsoft restrictions and not developer or publisher imposed. Microsoft simply does not want people to get the disticntion between the two and are trying very hard to muddy the waters in this argument.]

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