Riot strongly against cheaters

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Finally one company has decided to punish cheaters, and not only by disqualifying them but also fining them $30,000. Riot Games, a company that created one of the most played PC games ever The League of Legends, has made a decision after thorough investigation of the Korean team, Azubu Frost (AzF). They have been found guilty of unsportsmanlike conduct. This announcement came straight from Riot VP of eSports Dustin Beck “Based on our investigation, the Azubu Frost incident is the only one where we determined there to be tangible impact; we believe other members of AzF modified their gameplay based upon the information gained. We don’t believe, however, that these actions decided the winner of the game.”

Apparently AzF Woong looked at the stage screens that were displaying the opposing team's minimap, so they used that to their advantage and came out on top. Since it was a larger tournament and already a quarterfinal game (the first game of third quarterfinal) it was expected that they not get away with it. But the $30,000 fine is somewhat unexpected and quite large; it's 20% of the Korean team’s prize money from the LoL tournaments. It's nice to see that someone has taken the cheating problem so seriously and hopefully all other gaming events will follow the same example.
Beck said “We take this stuff seriously. Our rules on sportsmanlike conduct are clearly communicated to competitors, and our decisions here are based on those rules. More importantly, this sort of behavior shouldn't have been possible in the first place, and we recognize that and have taken steps to ensure it doesn't happen in the future.” As I am quite into gaming, I remember that same thing happened at the Dreamhack Winter that took place in Kiev. During the CS 1.6 tournament when Fnatic played against Na' Vi, even though Fnatic won. Even their player Pita later stated in interview that the Na' Vi players were looking at the stage screens and used it to their advantage. Luckily it didn’t pay off for them. Let’s just hope that this is a first step of brining fair play into eSports, and sending a message that cheating is completely wrong.

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