Should we Expect the Samsung Galaxy S5 in January?

According to the Korean press, Samsung could unveil its latest smart phone in January next year. Apparently, we could see Galaxy S5 in sales already in February. It would be a month earlier than usual Samsung's rhythm of presenting the flagship model of the company.

For this move they decided because the iPhone 5S is already selling well, and the market demand for the Galaxy S4 is decreasing. So far they sold over 20 million Galaxy S4 copies, which is significantly less than the company's forecast.

Galaxy S5 should have aluminum housing, 64-bit processor and 16-megapixel camera with image stabilizer. It is also expected that it will come with a Kit Kat version of Android (4.4).

[Ed - There is some talk that the release schedule for phones is furthering the saturation of the market. This will eventually mean that consumers will not be channing their phones as often. In many cases this is becasue people are locked into two year contracts with an upgrade cycle of roughly 18-20 months. One proposed cure for this are the many "anytime" upgrade programs. The down side is that most of these are not goof financially. You end up paying more just to get the priviledge of upgrading sooner. On the manufacturing side, we are seeing phones that are bringing simple refreshes with little to no real feature improvements. Samsung is already prepping the S5 when there are still problems reported on the S4...]

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