Spritz technology for faster text reading

A new technology called Spritz has the task to increase the speed of reading text on the screen of your mobile phone or smart watch. This system was developed by a company of the same name in Boston, and will be installed on the new series of Samsung devices coming this spring - Galaxy S5 and Gear 2. Unlike other methods of speed reading, this technology is unique and can be mastered in 5 minutes, according to its authors


The mechanism works in such a way that the screen of the mobile device displays the text word by word , in the space of only 13 characters. This allows faster exchange of words because it eliminates the time required for the user moves his eyes over the text - and with classic reading it was 80% of the time compared with 20% required for processing the read. While eyes are focused on a small area of the screen, the words can be exchanged at a rate of 250 up to 1000 per minute - and during that it is possible to read the text with understanding. This is a huge progress if we know that the average speed of reading text is about 220 words per minute.

Spritz is specifically designed for small screens like those on smart watches, and users of Galaxy Gear 2 will be the first to see how it will work in practice. At the begining it will supported some of the most used languages such as English, French, Spanish, German, Russian and Korean, while others should appear in the near future.

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