Steam Machines are not a competition for Xbox One

Microsoft's Marc Whitten is not worried by recent arrival of Steam Machines on the market, primarily because he believes that it is not a classic home console, which is why they will not pose a direct competition.

"When you get into that living room environment, you don't want to spend any of your brain cells doing anything but being entertained. I don't want to work on it; I don't want to feel like I have to know how it works. I would like to be blowing things up now, or watching a thing now. That's the fundamental thing that you want to do." Whitten said in a recent interview. On Newell's last week comments in which the Valve's chief said that the Xbox One will need a long time to reach the Steam figures of 65 million users he responded with a smile and refused to start a flame with Gabe Newell.

Valve has confirmed last week that they will phase Seam Boxes from 14 different manufacturers one the market, and the price of the device will range from 499 all the way up to 6000 US dollars.

[Ed - The comments that Marc is making are very interesting considering that some people feel the same about the new Xbox UI. In reality changing from one TV to  another requires you to relearn how to do things. The SteamBox is simple enough when using the Big Picture that no one is going to complain. In fact many are looking forward to Steam's offering becasue it is getting rid of some of the controls and proprietary items that Microsoft wants to push on the market. In short, Microsoft is trying to downplay the impact of SteamOS on the market becasue they are worried.]

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