Virutal Reality games on Steam

Valve's Joe Ludwig via Steam Community said that the Steam client recently added experimental support for VR mode. The whole thing is designed for owners of Oculus Rift, and is linked with the upcoming conference Steam Dev Days, in which Valve plans to present their toolset for creating VR software.

In addition, at the Steam Dev Days will participate Palmer Luckey, inventor of Oculus Rift, which should deliver a speech on the topic of adaptation of games to the virtual reality. Steam Dev Days starts on Wednesday, January 15, and will last two days.

As far as Steam is concerned, Valve a few weeks ago added a new category called VR Support to their client, through which they hope to facilitate the search for titles that support Oculus Rift. Category currently has a dozen titles, among which the most significant are Team Fortress 2, Strike Suit Zero, and Valve's compilation The Orange Box.

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