Teamwork is the key to win MOBA games


Riot Games recently released a new video through which they emphasized just how important teamwork is for success in the League of Legends, but we can consider it effective for all other MOBA games too. Players who show sportsmanship during competition in LoL in the average win in a more than 1.7 million fights than others, and other statistics support the theory that polite and patient players earn more wins.

For example, teams in which none of the players is not mad after a few failures have 10% higher than the average win ratio. On the other hand, players who were already reported by their teammates because of misconduct because of inappropriate behaviour have as much as 35% lower win ratio than the average.

League of Legends is one of today's most popular online titles, and therefore it is not surprising that Riot has a special department that cares only about the code of conduct of the users themselves. Specifically, it has about thirty employees under the leadership of the cognitive psychologist Dr. Jeffrey Lin. One of the first methods through which Riot tried to encourage positive behavior in sometimes quite impatient community of League of Legends players is the Honor System. It is an initiative that give players an opportunity to praise their teammates for a good game in a several categories.

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