The Minecraft team pushes out a new game


Markus “Notch” Persson, the lead designer of Minecraft, has made the statement that they will not port Minecraft to Windows 8. Instead they are devoting their time to focus on a new project. They have started developing new game called 0x10c (10 to the C) and now they have released a few details about it in a video. We get to see some early gameplay footage, showing physics, graphics, lightning and some basic movement through space. It feels a lot like Minecraft if you ask me, but it will be a first-person space simulator.

They said that the main inspiration for this game was the TV show Firefly and the video game Elite. Gameplay will involve lots of different aspects like exploration of other planets and ships, space battles, trading, looting and (drum roll please) mining! It really looks like we will be getting a space version of Minecraft with some new features to lock gamers even more to their PC's.

One of the new features will be ability to repair your ship if you damage it by failing to land properly. When you crash your vehicle, it won’t explode but rather will fall apart, and you will need to use certain resources to repair it so that you can use it again. There is currently no multiplayer option developed, but Persson said it's on the to-do list. As you can see in the video, the game is still in the very early stages of development and it's been around for about half year since they announced it back in April. Even though the concept seems promising, don’t expect the game to be released in the ext couple of months as there is still a lot of work to be done here.

[Ed – The Minecraft team knows what they are doing. They know that while people are addicted to Minecraft there are many that would dive even deeper if there were more options like what is planned in 0x10c. We expect this game to take off in the same way that Minecraft did and also to potentially add even more gamers to the Minecraft crowd…]

What do you think about this new game from the Minecraft team?

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