The Steam Workshop celebrates its first birthday


Steam Workshop, Valve's service for sharing modifications for Team Fortress 2 has grown into a serious service that allows moders to share content and comment on many games with the community. The workshop currently supports 16 titles with many announcing upcoming support and community modders so far distributed nearly 300,000 modifications in the form of new models, maps, campaigns, and even complete games created with Gamemaker Studio.

Let us also mention that the modifications have been used more than 55 million times, which clearly shows the popularity of this service among players. Valve published an article on their official blog in which they stated that they plan to further expand the service with new tools and new ways of communication for users and of course new games. Some of the games that have modifications now on Workshop are Portal 2, Team Fortress 2, Sid Meier's Civilization V, Total War: Shogun 2, DotA 2, and an increasing number of indie games.
Valve said that they will continue to support the modding community and content creators of all kinds. They also said that “Some content creators in the Steam Workshop are already professional game developers, while many more are just starting out with a promising future in that direction.” , so obviously it's not bad to try your hand with the Workshop if you are creative and capable of doing mods. With all those modders in mind they announced their goals for the future;
1.    Make sure that content creators have the tools they need to keep doing what they do best
2.    Add more ways for content creators and customers to communicate
3.    Enable a broader base of content creators, contributing to the community in a greater variety of ways and mediums

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