There could be 145 million tablets in 2013


This year q large number of tablet devices will be shipped across the world. Analysts predict a total of 145 million units sold by the end of the year. This growth will be the result of new markets that will open this year, better equipment, and increased acceptance of this type of computers in business environments.

Specifically, the larger part of the computer manufacturers plan to introduce tablets intended for business use. At ABI Research they believe that of the total number of shipped tablets as many as 19% will have a business application. While the tablets take some of the sales from classic computers, the biggest responsibility for the growth is the use of tablets in workplaces where they have not used computers so far, analysts think.

Also, analysts believe that the tablet will not have too much impact on the e-book readers market. However, they warn that digital publishing is developed only in the U.S., and if a similar trend does not start to happen in the rest of the world, the market for e-book readers will disappear, regardless of the impact of tablets.

[Ed – One very large market for tablets is in the medical world. Here Doctors are looking for a way to take their charts, images and files around in a small form factor. They need to be able to tap into their EMR (Electronic Medical Records) applications as well as other files while maintaining good battery life. These markets are wide open right now and the company that meets this demand will make a mint. So far the biggest contender for this is the Surface Pro, but even there we have heard feedback that battery life will be an issue…]

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