Ubuntu Raring Ringatil is here


Codenamed Raring Ringtail, a new version of Ubuntu 4.13 brings a number of improvements despite the fact that there are no some radical big news here. Canonical have decided to polish already existing elements of the  operating system in this version 13.04. Among other things, according to recent statements new Ubuntu 13.04 should ,thanks to the work on the code for the version of Ubuntu intended for smartphones and tablets, have a better performance and be more frugal with energy.

But that does not mean that within the 13.04 are no news at all. The first thing one notices is faster Unity desktop interface, new Social Lens and Sync Menu, a dialog box in Unity style, transition to Linux kernel 3.8.8 and clearly refreshed multitude of applications such as the new Firefox, LibreOffice etc. Also, derived distributions such as Ubuntu GNOME, Lubuntu, Xubuntu, Kubuntu and others have been also refreshed.

Since a video is worth a 1,000 words, look at the lower short film that shows the main news of Ubuntu 13.04. Of course, the new Ubuntu 13.04 can be downloaded at the usual place - Ubuntu.com.

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