We will be able to play all PS4 games on PS Vita


Sony has confirmed that we will be able to play all PlayStation 4 games with Remote Play functionality on small screens of PS Vita. This is done in a way that the stream is performed at the system level, while on the PlayStation 3 support should've been inserted into the games.

"On PlayStation4 , it just happens. You just make a PS4 game, it supports Remote Play," Said Sony's Shuhei Yoshida and added that  "The single biggest issue, why there are not many PlayStation 3 games that support Remote Play, was that it was optional -- the system didn't do much. The game has to set aside some memory or CPU to be able to do that, and usually, memory is the most precious resource that teams fight amongst each other for. So when it comes down to the priorities, these are features that are very easy to drop. "

 The only thing the developers have to worry will be adjusting controls, but that, since the principle of playing on Vita is very smilar to playing on the "big" console, it should not be too big of a problem.

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