What will HTC release tomorrow?


HTC has been sending out invites for their presentation happening tomorrow. A few weeks ago they were pretty mysterious about whole thing. There have been much speculation about what will they release and the current consensus is a new Windows 8 devices. Today they decided to give a hint via their Facebook page, in the form of a picture that shows what appears to be a corner of the device they will announce. It is possible the device could be The HTC 8x a.k.a. HTC Accord. We have had a few leaks on this new device with several pictures, but nothing is yet confirmed.

Other rumors claim that HTC could present a 5-inch 1080p smartphone/tablet. The device could have the new Snapdragon quad core processor and possibly 4G LTE. It could be big competition to Samsung’s Note II, but also for 4-inch+ smartphones if users don’t mind its size. The image of the leaked device was released with a note “When beautiful hardware meets stunning software” so somehow it looks like it will be a nicely designed WP8 device more than some super high performance 5 incher. HTC is known for their neat designs followed by powerful hardware, but they just simply haven’t managed to get a bigger part of market next to Samsung and Apple.
htc fb

As far as the “Accord” is concerned, it should feature a dual core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, a 4.3-inch display and an 8 megapixel camera. Also according to leaks both the front and rear camera should be capable of capturing 1080p video. Hopefully they will release some Android devices too and not just Windows Phone 8 devices, but we must wait just one more day to see how HTC plans to make an impact on the market and maybe pose a threat to big guys.

[Ed – HTC was a little upset about being pushed out of the Windows RT gang so it is very possible that they will be releasing an Android Tablet with this new launch. However, that is pure speculation as we have not had any significant evidence of this. We will be sure to keep track of the event tomorrow to see exactly what they do release, but right now our money is on a Windows Phone 8 device considering the fact that Nokia and Samsung have already pushed theirs out. We do think that HTC has some tricks up their sleeve that could help them regain some of the market share they have been losing, but they have to get these products out very soon or they could be too late to the party.]

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