Windows 8.2 on the horizon?

Microsoft could announce another upgrade of Windows this spring, specifically of the last edition of Windows 8.1. At least, say Russian page Wzor, on which they released some photos of developmental versions.


According to them, the upgrade will carry a label Windows 8.2, but again it should be something more extensive than a conventional package of patches and security updates. Although the first part of the tag version is identical to Windows 8.1 Pro (6.3.9600), the rest was deliberately not released, but according to the same sources, this is a new Build and fresh RTM version.
The final release of Windows updates should be available around March, while more information about this development version is expected already during this month.

[Ed – there has been a lot of talk about this, but there has not really been anything solid to support the rumors. Although it is true Microsoft has been working on an update to Windows 8.1 ( and that it might be called Window 8.2) it does not appear to be the major update that some are predicting. From what we are hearing the next update will be a collection of patches and fixes that Microsoft shoud have already released. Sadly the real start menu is not likely to be one.]

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