Would you like to have a 3D model of your unborn child?


Japanese company Fasotec, who specializes in creating and selling 3D object printers and creating printed medical educational tools shaped like organs or parts of human body has started a new business. In collaboration with Female clynic Hiroo, they have started making and selling 3D printed models of unborn fetuses that are made based on CT and MRI scans. All you need to do is bring them scan of your unborn child and for JPY100.000 ( around $1280 USD) you will have a unusual and original memory of your childs pre-birth time.

The Product is named Tenshi no Katachi (Angel's shape), and is based on scans from a  mother's uterus. Tenshi no Katachi then prints 2 layers of material using a process named “Biotexture”. The ending product is shrunken replica of your unborn child. For additional money you can get souvenirs like key-rings or pendants of course shaped like your unborn child.

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Fasotec recommends that any models should be made from scans made in ninth month of pregnancy. This is because otherwise they cannot guarantee that your figurine will come out looking like a human being.  Interesting, unusual and bizzare. Good old Japan.
I guess the 3D printing business will be more fun than expected; first we had firearms, now babies, only time will show how big our imagination can be.

[Ed – not all that long ago the first 3D scans of infants using ultra sound showed up, now with new scanning and printing techniques we can make models of them before they are out in the world. When I read about things like this I cannot help remembering the scene in the Luc Besson Movie “The Fifth Element” when they rebuild Milla Jovovich one layer at a time… Reconstruction Complete…]

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