Zuckerberg the most approved CEO


In research done by the firm Glassdoor where employees’ evaluated the leading business people, Facebook's CEO, Mark Zuckerberg got the best results. Specifically, Zuckerberg was supported by as much as 99% of Facebook's employees during the 12 months period that ended on 24th February, while the last year in the same survey he was supported by only 85% of them. At the same time, last year leading Apple CEO Tim Cook dropped from 99% to 85%.

Glassdoor every year interviews hundreds of thousands of employees in leading companies in industry, and then they publish a list of 50 best rated CEOs. On this year's list of you can find 20 CEOs from technology companies and CEOs from this field also hold two leading places. Specifically, the second on the list is the SAP CEO Bill McDermott and Jim Hagemann Snabe, with 99% of those who support them.

 Among technology CEOs many more placed very high like EMC's CEO Joe Tucci that is in seventh place, Qualcomm’s Paul Jacobs in eighth place, Google's Larry Page at the 11th place, Salesforce’s Marc Benioff on a 13th, Amazon's Jeff Bezos on 16th place, Ericsson's Hans Vesterberg on 17 place, and Apple's Tim Cook at the 18th place.

[Ed- Once again we have to say that research like this is little more than a marketing tool. After all if the employees love the CEO the company must be doing great right? We saw the same type of data presented for Steve Jobs, Tim Cook and a few others that probably did not deserve the honor. Still it brings in investors or calms existing ones (as in the case of Tim Cook). For most of us this type of report is nothing more than a little entertainment...]

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