Synology DS1513+ Review Part I - Intro and Teardown - Part I Conclusion


Storage is something that everyone needs. No matter if you are a single end user or a gigantic corporation you have to have a place to keep your data. This one little fact has never changed and probably never will. The difference is that home users are now higher on the scale when it comes to storage needs than many small and medium sized business. Home users are maintain more and more data in the form of movies, music pictures and even installation files while many small businesses are only storing simple documents and perhaps a few databases.  It has changed the dynamic in the way storage products are marketed in many ways and this is not truly a completely good thing. While a normal consumer might store more information than a small business they do not have the same need to never be offline or unavailable. The typical home user also does not have the same number of connections to their data as a medium or even small business. There needs to be a class of NAS that can handle these requirements without pushing the price tag over the top. Synology has a very solid answer for these questions and more all bundled up inside the new DS1513+; this is a five-bay NAS that includes four 1Gbps LAN and a ton of other features. Let’s dive in and take a look shall we?

Conclusion –
Synology’s DS1513+ is a nicely designed and build piece of hardware. It brings a few very solid features to the table that are missing from this particular segment of the market. By including 4 Gigabit ports on the DS1513+ Synology is giving you the option to have both speed and redundancy. You do not have to make the choice between one or the other like you do on traditional two-port NAS devices. This is sure to fill in a need at the upper end of the business market where companies are looking to combine price, performance and uptime. By adding in the option for High Availability, Redundant network connections and exceptional expandability they are building a winning combination in the DS1513+. From a design and build standpoint the DS1513+ is one of the better products we have worked with. Now it we get to dive into the performance and see if the DS1513+ can keep up. In addition to our normal testing we also will be performing specific HA tests and including the second DS1513+ that Synology sent to us just for this purpose. It is going to be fun to try all of the features out to see what works and what does not. We can’t wait to get into this so we can bring our findings to you.

Check out how the DS1513+ performs here

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