Cooler Master's CMStorm Sonuz Make A Lot Of Noise For A Little Cash - The Box and Goodies


A rather long time ago (in computer years) when real audio first came out on the computer the market was pretty bare for not only sound cards, but also for anything to use to listen to them. I can vividly remember buying an expensive ISA Soundblaster card and not being able to find any decent speakers to use with it. There simply was not a lot of choice out there to reproduce your audio. Of course before that I can still remember only having 8-bit audio through the motherboard speaker so decent is relative there. Now the market is flood of products many are just plain terrible (bad design, bad quality and bad audio playback). There are a few companies that have been working to break the “good enough” trend in audio. Cooler Master is one of them as we have shown you with their CMStorm Sirus headset. Now Cooler Master has another gaming headset available. This one is called the Sonuz and features a pair of massive 53mm drivers to push the sound deep into your skull. Let’s listen to them shall we?

The Box and Goodies -
The Sonuz comes in the same style of box that the Sirus shipped in. You get a distorted image of the headphones on the front of the box along with a large see through area that allows you to actually see the Sonuz and its inline controller. Of importance on the front is the 53mm driver line right below the name of the headset. It is an important selling point as typically the bigger the driver the more “alive” the audio will be, but it really all depends on how Cooler Master has tuned things.

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The back has a nice marketing write up along with product highlights in a few languages. It is a nice looking box, but other than the appearance and a few small details there is nothing special about it. Inside the box is much more interesting. We have the Sonuz and a small leaflet. The Sonuz are safe in a cocoon of plastic which should prevent most types of damage that could happen to them.

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