Kingston HyperX Cloud Pro Gaming Headset Review - Setting a New Audio Standard - The Box and Goodies

As we have said many times before the peripherals market seems to be one of the PC related markets that continues to grow at a very rapid pace. Everyone wants to get in on the gravy train these days and we are starting to see peripherals from companies that you would not normally think of when it comes to keyboards, headsets or mice. Today we are taking a look at a new product from a company that, until recently, was known for their memory, SSDs, and flash drives. We are talking about Kingston and their HyperX Cloud gaming headset. Now the question we have to find the answer to is: can a memory maker make a product that gamers, PC enthusiasts and audiophiles will like? Let’s dive in and find out.

The Box and Goodies -
The packaging and the accessories that ship with a product can say a lot about what you have purchased. In some cases a manufacturer might go light on the decorations and goodies to show you they are focused on the core product, in others you might see the reverse for exactly the same reason. The trick is knowing when this effort is meant as window dressing or it is really to accent the product.

In the case of the Kingston HyperX Cloud we feel that the extra effort is to highlight the product and to how that this new entry from them into the audio market is not just an afterthought, but a well-planned and built product.

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The outer shell is attractive in its simplicity. There is a very clean picture of the cloud on the front along with small text to describe some of the major features of the cloud. The sides of the box shows these in more detail and also describe some of the effort put into designing the Cloud.

The back of the box has a more artistic picture of the Cloud along with highlights of the major features. Now if that was all that Kingston had done it would have probably been more than enough, but they did not stop there.

Inside the outer shell we find a black box with silver lettering. This is a much more stylized and sexy packaging for the Cloud. To be honest we sort of wish that Kingston had of just use this box. It would have made a big impact on someone buying it. I know I was impressed with it once I pulled it out.
On the inside cover of the black box there is a short welcome letter that explains what you can expect from the Cloud and signed by the HyperX General Manager, Anders “G8V1k1ng” Willumsen.

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The Cloud and all of the goodies Kingston give you with it are packed away in a foam insert that protects them all and also shows them off to you when you first open  the box. It is a nice effect.

Speaking of accessories, Kingston gives you a ton of them. You get a mobile adapter, an extension cable, a control box on a removable cable, an airplane adapter, different ear pads, and a carrying bag. Out of all of these the fact that the control box is removable is one that I personally like. On many other headsets these are hard mounted to the cable and can be awkward. Not everyone wants volume and mic controls on the headphone cable and this gives you the option to use it or not.

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Like we said, you get a lot when you pick up the Cloud Pro Gaming Headset.

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