We Listen to the House of Marley Zion In-Ear Headphones and Come Away Impressed - The Box and Goodies

introAfter being impressed with the House of Marley’s Redemption Song On-Ear headphones we have now spent some time with their Zion In-Ear head phones. These follow in the same style as the Redemption Song headphones and are made of recycled or renewable materials. They also follow in the trend of being tuned for high quality sound and are designed for use with Apple’s lineup of products (iPad, iPod, iPhone) but will work with just about any media player or smart phone (with a few exceptions). With a price tag of $99.99 we are hoping that these headphones give us the same level of performance that we saw with the Redemption Song. Follow the bouncing ball and sing along as we tell your just how well they perform.



The Box and Goodies -
As we mentioned in our review of the Redemption Song On-Ear headphones, the House of Marley is taking the green product idea seriously. The packaging is made from recycled cardboard and although we cannot confirm this, it looks like the ink used is a non-solvent based ink (although that could also be an effect). The front of the box gives you a nice picture of the product over a picture of a woven background.
Under a flap on the front you can get a quick look at the actual headphones and the Apple volume controls. Under the front flap you will also find some inspirational words about Bob Marley in several languages.

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Flipping the box over to the back we find another image of the Zion headphones with some additional detail. These details will be important to anyone that is looking for a high-quality headset. The side of the box shows the House of Marley’s support for the 1Love.org charity, just like we saw on the Redemption Song headphones.

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Upon opening the box we were a little surprise to find a plastic tray holding the headphones and the different sized ear cups. With the green friendly wording the push by the company I would have thought more recycled cardboard, although you can also have recycled plastic as well.  In addition to the set that comes on the Zion headphones you also have four other sizes of ear cups to make sure you get the right fit.

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Under the tray we found a very nice canvas bag for the Zion headphones (again just like the Redemption Song).  This is a great value add for this product and helps to being the $99 price tag into perspective.

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